Shah Deniz Field, Azerbaijan

The Shah Deniz offshore gas field is the most significant gas field discovered in Azerbaijan in the last 20 years, with estimated reserves of more than 500 billion cubic metres.

Fitzroy Place, London

Built on the site on the old Middlesex Hospital, Fitzroy Place is one of London’s most prestigious mixed-use developments, with offices, shops and a restaurant around a landscaped square.

Total Optara Refinery, Antwerp

As part of a major overhaul, Dornan was awarded the electrical and instrumentation works at the Total Antwerp Refinery in Belgium for the new Sour Water Stripper (SWS) and HP Steam Boiler Units. The objective for Total was to increase the profitability of the refinery by eliminating vacuum gasoil and atmospheric residue import, improving its ability to process vacuum residue import and opportunity crudes, increasing diesel and jet fuel production, while reducing fuel oil and gasoline production.

Broadgate Circle, London

Dornan worked on the redevelopment of the iconic Broadgate Circle Arena, including retail units, ancillary service areas and the Number 3 Broadgate Building, while retaining and upgrading the base build structures.

Coomatallin Windfarm, Cork

Located near Dunmanway in West County Cork – an excellent region for wind energy – this is a 4-turbine, 6MW farm with potential for expansion. Dornan completed the electrical design, installation and commissioning.

Kildare County Council HQ

This was an extension project, installing electrical services to new offices, function rooms and council chambers.

Taurbeg Windfarm, Cork

Wind power is making an increasingly important contribution to Ireland’s electricity production, and currently meets around 25% of the Republic’s electricity demand. Dornan has extensive experience in this sector, including installing the substation and switchyard at this 11-turbine farm in County Cork, with a combined installed capacity of 25MW.

Google, Dublin

Google’s Engineering Division has its European headquarters in Dublin. Dornan completed the mechanical and electrical installation works here within a challenging schedule – work began in October 2010 and was completed in January 2011, with a combined M&E value of £1.5m.

W5 Regent Street, London

W5 Regent Street was a demolition and rebuild project behind the listed facades of Nos 1 and 2 New Burlington Street to create 167,000 ft2 of flagship retail and prestige office space, arranged over six floors and two basement levels.

Cumberland House, Dublin

Cumberland House is a block of central Dublin offices dating back to the 1970s. The new owners, Hibernia REIT, wanted to completely update them for a demanding prospective occupier.